Home / About me
Some details about me and the creation of this web-site:
Name: Ralf Aroksalasch
Residence: Kehl / Germany
born in 1962 in Stuttgart / Germany
e-mail: RalfsRailwayResort
I started to create this site in 2002, which is also when I bought my first digital camera.
Soon I also wanted to include the hundreds of slides to the site, that I
had made before during the last 15 years.
I experimented first with my flat-bed scanner and different software, but I was never fully satisfied
with the results.
So I decided to buy a slide-scanner. With this I was
able to digitalize my slides in good quality but there are still some
photos left on the site that were scanned in rather poor quality.
As it was my first internet site, the layout was very simple: there were no frames and even tables which allowed me to put more than one picture in a row with fixed distances between the photos only appeared later.
Navigation was also rather uncomfortable as the only way to switch between countries or even railway companies was to use a "navigation-page" which contained the links.
The next step was when I got familiar with creating frames and the use of JavaScript. This made the first pulldown-menues available.
In Mai 2019 I began with the transition of the site into a photo database. If available, I added information about where and when the photographed object was built. The photo location is now also marked on a map. This work took about 3 years.
<===== Click on one of the countries in the list on the left to see the railway photos <=====
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